🌈 The EM27 Retrieval Pipeline 1.0.0 has been released
πŸ“š Guides

Directory Structure

The pipeline and none of the retrieval algorithms manipulate any data in the directories config.general.data.ground_pressure.path, config.general.data.atmospheric_profiles, and config.general.data.interferograms. The retrieval only writes to config.general.data.results.


We can ensure this pipeline doesn't modify any data from the input directories. We cannot guarantee this for the retrieval algorithms, but we are very confident about this and have never observed it on our systems.

However, if you want to ensure the retrieval cannot manipulate any of your interferograms or ground pressure files, you can create a read-only mount of the directories. Only point the pipeline to those read-only directories.

See https://askubuntu.com/a/243390 (opens in a new tab).


Point the config.general.data.interferograms variable to the directory your interferograms are stored in.

πŸ“‚ <config.general.data.interferograms>
+--- πŸ“‚ ma
|    +--- πŸ“‚ 20220101
|    |    +--- πŸ“„ ma20210101.ifg.001
|    |    +--- πŸ“„ ma20210101.ifg.002
|    |    +--- πŸ“„ ma20210101.ifg.003
|    |    +--- ...
|    +--- πŸ“‚ 20220101
|    |    +--- πŸ“„ ma20210102.ifg.001
|    |    +--- πŸ“„ ma20210102.ifg.002
|    |    +--- πŸ“„ ma20210102.ifg.003
|    |    +--- ...
|    +--- πŸ“‚ ...
+--- πŸ“‚ mb
|    +--- πŸ“‚ 20220101
|    +--- πŸ“‚ ...
+--- πŸ“‚ ...

In this example, ma, mb, and so on are the "sensor ids" used by us (see the next section about metadata).

You must set the config.retrieval.general.ifg_file_regex value to a regex matching your files. In the example above, we can use ^$(SENSOR_ID)$(DATE).*ifg.\\d+$.

Ground Pressure Files

Point the config.general.data.ground_pressure.path variable to the directory where you store your local meteorological files, i.e. your ground pressure logs.

πŸ“‚ <config.general.data.ground_pressure.path>
+--- πŸ“‚ ma
|    +--- πŸ“„ ground-pressure-ma-2021-01-01.csv
|    +--- πŸ“„ ground-pressure-ma-2021-01-02.csv
|    +--- πŸ“„ ...
+--- πŸ“‚ mb
|    +--- πŸ“„ ground-pressure-mb-2021-01-01.csv
|    +--- πŸ“„ ...
+--- πŸ“‚ ...

You can fully specify the naming schema of these pressure files. For example, the example above matches the following naming schema: ^ground-pressure-$(SENSOR_ID)-$(YYYY)-$(MM)-$(DD).csv$. When looking for ground pressure files for a certain sensor id and date, the pipeline will replace the placeholders with the actual values. Available placeholders are $(SENSOR_ID), $(YYYY), $(YY), $(MM), and $(DD).


Subdaily files: If multiple files match the regex, the pipeline will merge all of them into a single file which is then used for the retrieval.

Multi-day files: If each file contains the data of multiple days, the pipeline will filter the data for the specific day. Hence, you could also have monthly files using the schema ^ground-pressure-$(SENSOR_ID)-$(YYYY)-$(MM).csv$.

The second thing you need to specify is in which column to find the pressure and datetime data:

  • Pressure column: Pass the name of the column with config.general.data.ground_pressure.pressure_column and specify the unit (either hPa or Pa) with config.general.data.ground_pressure.pressure_column_format.
  • Datetime column: Pass exactly, one of the following
    • A datetime column containing both date and time information: datetime_column and datetime_column_format
    • One date column and one time column: date_column, date_column_format, time_column, and time_column_format
    • A column containing a Unix timestamp: unix_timestamp_column and unix_timestamp_column_format (format s, ms, us, or ns)

All Ground Pressure is assumed to be in UTC!


The following examples all use the pressure column config:

  "pressure_column": "pressure",
  "pressure_column_format": "hPa"


Datetime column config:

  "date_column": "utc-date",
  "date_column_format": "%Y-%m-%d",
  "time_column": "utc-time",
  "time_column_format": "%H:%M:%S"

Corresponding pressure files:



Datetime column config:

  "datetime_column": "utc-datetime",
  "datetime_column_format": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

Corresponding pressure files:



Datetime column config:

  "unix_timestamp_column": "utc-datetime",
  "unix_timestamp_column_format": "s"

Corresponding pressure files:


Atmospheric Profiles

Point the config.general.data.atmospheric_profiles variable to the directory you want to store the atmospheric profiles.

πŸ“‚ <config.general.data.atmospheric_profiles>
+--- πŸ“‚ GGG2014
|    +--- πŸ“„ 20210101_48N011E.map
|    +--- πŸ“„ 20210101_48N011E.mod
|    +--- πŸ“„ 20210101_48N012E.map
|    +--- πŸ“„ 20210101_48N012E.mod
|    +--- πŸ“„ 20210102_48N011E.map
|    +--- πŸ“„ ...
+--- πŸ“‚ GGG2020
     +--- πŸ“„ 2021010100_48N011E.map
     +--- πŸ“„ 2021010100_48N011E.mod
     +--- πŸ“„ 2021010100_48N011E.vmr
     +--- πŸ“„ 2021010100_48N012E.map
     +--- πŸ“„ 2021010100_48N012E.mod
     +--- πŸ“„ 2021010100_48N012E.vmr
     +--- πŸ“„ 2021010103_48N011E.map
     +--- πŸ“„ ...

Since this pipeline includes a fully automated downloader for this data, you can point it to an empty directory and let the pipeline populate it.


The pipeline populates the results directory in the following way:

πŸ“‚ <config.general.data.results>
+--- πŸ“‚ proffast-2.3/GGG2020
|    +--- πŸ“‚ ma
|    |    +--- πŸ“‚ failed
|    |    +--- πŸ“‚ successful
|    |         +--- πŸ“‚ 20210101
|    |         |    +--- πŸ“‚ input_files
|    |         |    |    +--- πŸ“„ invers20ma_210101_a.inp
|    |         |    |    +--- πŸ“„ pcxs20ma_210101.inp
|    |         |    |    +--- πŸ“„ preprocess5ma_210101.inp
|    |         |    +--- πŸ“‚ logfiles
|    |         |    |    +--- πŸ“„ container.log
|    |         |    |    +--- πŸ“„ inv_output.log
|    |         |    |    +--- πŸ“„ pcxs_output.log
|    |         |    |    +--- πŸ“„ preprocess_output.log
|    |         |    |    +--- πŸ“„ pylot_38218.log
|    |         |    +--- πŸ“„ comb_invparms_ma_SN061_210101-210101.csv
|    |         |    +--- πŸ“„ about.json
|    |         |    +--- πŸ“„ pylot_config.yml
|    |         |    +--- πŸ“„ pylot_log_format.yml
|    |         |    +--- πŸ“„ ... (more files depending on retrieval algorithm)
|    +--- πŸ“‚ mb
|         +--- πŸ“‚ failed
|         +--- πŸ“‚ successful
+--- πŸ“‚ proffast-2.3/GGG2014
+--- πŸ“‚ ...

The about.json file in each successful retrieval directory contains all information required to reproduce the respective retrieval results. The structure of the directories in failed/ and successful/ is the same - the outputs are moved to successful/ if the retrieval has produced a final CSV file and to failed otherwise.


With config.bundles, you can specify a list of bundles to produce from the raw retrieval results. The script will generate one bundle per sensor, retrieval algorithm, and atmospheric profile. For example, when using the following bundle config:

  "dst_dir": "/some/path/where/the/bundle_should/be/written/to",
  "output_formats": ["csv", "parquet"],
  "from_datetime": "2024-05-10T00:00:00+0000",
  "to_datetime": "2024-07-09T23:59:59+0000",
  "retrieval_algorithms": ["proffast-2.2", "proffast-2.4"],
  "atmospheric_profile_models": ["GGG2020"],
  "sensor_ids": ["ma", "mb"]

... the following bundles will be generated in the output directory /some/path/where/the/bundle_should/be/written/to:

πŸ“‚ /some/path/where/the/bundle_should/be/written/to
β”œβ”€β”€β”€ πŸ“„ em27-retrieval-bundle-ma-proffast-2.2-GGG2020-20240510-20240709.csv
β”œβ”€β”€β”€ πŸ“„ em27-retrieval-bundle-ma-proffast-2.2-GGG2020-20240510-20240709.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€β”€ πŸ“„ em27-retrieval-bundle-ma-proffast-2.4-GGG2020-20240510-20240709.csv
β”œβ”€β”€β”€ πŸ“„ em27-retrieval-bundle-ma-proffast-2.4-GGG2020-20240510-20240709.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€β”€ πŸ“„ em27-retrieval-bundle-mb-proffast-2.2-GGG2020-20240510-20240709.csv
β”œβ”€β”€β”€ πŸ“„ em27-retrieval-bundle-mb-proffast-2.2-GGG2020-20240510-20240709.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€β”€ πŸ“„ em27-retrieval-bundle-mb-proffast-2.4-GGG2020-20240510-20240709.csv
└─── πŸ“„ em27-retrieval-bundle-mb-proffast-2.4-GGG2020-20240510-20240709.parquet

The output files will include all data from the <config.general.data.results> path that matches the time period. The CSV and Parquet files contain the same data - just in two different tabular formats. They keep all columns from the raw retrieval algorithm but add four more columns utc, retrieval_time, location_id and campaign_ids:

  • utc: parsed from the UTC/HHMMSS_ID columns to have a consistent timestamp format
  • retrieval_time: the timestamp when the retrieval was finished
  • location_id: the location ID of the sensor at that time
  • campaign_ids: the campaign IDs that match this datapoint separated by a + sign

Proffast 1.0 bundle example:


Proffast 2.4 bundle example:


Filtering by Campaign ID can be done with one line of code:

import polars as pl
df = pl.read_parquet()
df = df.filter(pl.col("campaign_ids").str.split("+").list.contains("muccnet"))

With our MUCCnet campaign config:

  "campaign_id": "muccnet",
  "from_datetime": "2019-09-13T00:00:00+0000",
  "to_datetime": "2100-01-01T23:59:59+0000",
  "sensor_ids": ["ma", "mb", "mc", "md", "me"],
  "location_ids": ["TUM_I", "FEL", "GRAE", "OBE", "TAU", "DLR_2", "DLR_3"]

... the dataframe filtered by the campaign ID muccnet will only contain dat that has been generated between 2019-09-13 and 2100-01-01 by the sensors ma, mb, mc, md, and me at the locations TUM_I, FEL, GRAE, OBE, TAU, DLR_2, and DLR_3.


The logs are stored within the directory of the pipeline at data/logs:

πŸ“‚ data
+--- πŸ“‚ logs
     +--- πŸ“‚ retrieval
          +--- πŸ“„ 20240106-23-54_main.log
          +--- πŸ“„ 20240106-22-55_generous-easley.log
          +--- πŸ“„ 20240106-23-10_eloquent-oppenheimer.log
          +--- πŸ“‚ archive
               +--- πŸ“‚ container (old container logs)
               +--- πŸ“‚ main (old main logs)

The files are either from containers (startingdate-startingtime_containername.log) or from the main process (startingdate-startingtime_main.log), which orchestrates the containers.



The containers in which the retrieval is running are working on data/containers. Each container with a container name like eloquent-oppenheimer has three active directories: data/containers/retrieval-container-$containername, data/containers/retrieval-container-$containername-input, and data/containers/retrieval-container-$containername-output.

Profiles Query Cache

The profiles downloader uses the file data/profiles_query_cache.json to save the information on which profiles have already been requested. Profiles will only be re-requested if they have not been produced within 24 hours.